Ready to create the life you actually want to have?

Then the SMART Program is the solution you've been searching for!

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The future you end up living will always be the one you're creating today. Make it great!

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    Tami Berry, M.D.

    Founder of The SMART Program

    Hi there, I'm Dr. Tami!

    I'm a Master Mindset & Life Coach on a mission to help you go from burnout to ALL OUT in life.

    You get to learn how to work with your mind to achieve success without sacrificing or sabotaging yourself along the way.

    The life you want to live is the life you'll have to create. It won't be handed to you. That's why you're here, you are ready to become the creator of the change you seek.

    And change can happen get ready!

    What you'll gain?

    • How to use your mind to create results in your life.

    • Greater clarity and focus so you can get more done in less time with less stress.

    • Greater energy and stamina on the daily so you can live your life and achieve your goals with greater peace and ease.

    • Release the self-sacrifice, sabotage and people-pleasing that derails your ability to truly succeed in life.